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To Friends/Followers of the Revived Citizens Party

To all who are or may be officially following this blog:

Thank you for your interest in this political interest blog, which is pretty much about the campaigns of the Party of Commons, a.k.a. Commons Party, a.k.a. Revived Citizens Party.

Please, introduce yourself by sending me an email to, and if you would, include your city and state, educational background, and general political and occupational interests, or whatever your particular interest is about this blog, especially if that is about volunteering for campaigns or becoming a member of the Revived Citizens Party, or both.  Use the subject heading "Friend or Follower of the Revived Citizens Party."

Please, respond within a week, so that your blog status will remain current.

The Party of Commons, a.k.a. Revived Citizens Party, is looking for new members, who must meet the following criteria:

  • Citizen of the United States 
  • Have some basic agreement with the Party of Commons's political philosophy as expressed on this blog or other affiliated blogs/sites -- at least 80% agreement in aggregate.
  • For now, living in Washington state or any of the bordering states, and able to arrange for a personal interview in Federal Way, Washington.
            (limited waivers for official permanent residents on a case-by-case basis).


Mark Greene, Chairman of the Party of Commons


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