The Citizens Party needs your contributions so that we can recruit candidates, hold forums, start petition drives for initiatives or offices, pay for on-line sites and office space, and generally promote our platform and policies in the public arena. This is the most reliable 3rd party in Washington state challenging the status quo. For instance, this is about the only party in the state that would not pay for the wars of foreign countries between each other. This is the only party in Washington that would use foreign aid money mainly for humanitarian purposes with few and stringent exceptions. This is the only party that believes we need to start a 5-year Marshall-type Plan to confront climate change and global warming, now, not tomorrow, or next year, and definitely not more talk without taking concrete steps. This is the only party that thinks we should start a government jobs-for everyone-that-needs-one program for the long-term unemployed. The government can hire everyone that private companies reject similar to some job programs in the F.D.R. administration of the 1930s and 40s. This is the about the only party that says America needs to turn inward. So we need your help with your donation, as much as you can afford, even $10 helps, so that we can fund the Citizens Party and make it larger and more prominent in the elections of 2015 - 2016. Send check to Mark Greene/Revived Citizens Party, P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Thank you.
-- Chair, Mark Greene, Revived Citizens Party
-- Chair, Mark Greene, Revived Citizens Party
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