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Smith Mum on "Keystone"

But Challenger Mark Greene Calls Keystone XL an Environmental Disaster In the Making

"You have got to be kidding," would be the response if someone told the Revived Citizens Party that even the inept present government of the United States, that fairly recently propounded the ruination of the Gulf of Mexico with its decisions, was going to build a gargantuan oil pipeline, to carry some of the most environmentally damaging type of oil known to mankind (tar sands), to run through the agricultural heartland of America.  But nope, they're not kidding  -- that's exactly what they are going to do after the elections are over, and Obama will then have free sailing to continue being one of the worst environmental presidents in history.  They have already got the pipes and a lot of the infrastructure for the Keystone XL pipeline built, so anybody with any clue whatsoever knows that the decision has already been made, and it's just the timing that is proving to be a political problem for the feckless Obama administration. 

Obama's loyal footman, Rep. Adam Smith, doesn't even mention the word "Keystone" when he makes his rounds at town hall meetings and TV shows pretending to be a liberal, because he realizes that a sizable majority of his constituency is against Keystone XL.  Smith's silence speaks volumes, so it doesn't take a mind reader to know where Smith stands on Keystone -- he very likely supports it.  You heard it here first, or maybe second or third, but Keystone XL is an environmental hell in the making, and once this thing starts spilling oil, as a good number of oil pipelines inevitably do, and spoiling the breadbasket of America, then we will know it was a big mistake. Too bad we can't elect politicians that realize that from the get-go, but like Smith, a lot of them get their campaign money from the oil magnates, so what did you expect?  And we didn't even get to the extra greenhouse gas emissions that will come from this boondoggle, and the resulting effect on global warming.

[revised on 5/28/14]


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